The Pamphleteer has been incorporated into our new series, Fiddler’s Green, and is no longer being published on its own.
The Pamphleteer offers a peek into Wonderella Printed’s workshop window, where readers can preview articles written for our publications. It is also a venue for discussions about the history and current state of pamphleteering and other human-scale publishing ventures.
The Pamphleteer seeks publications to review. For guidelines and reviews published to date, please visit our Publications Received page.
Each pamphlet is printed letter size, or 11 x 8.5 inches, on 67 lb. Vellum Bristol paper. Issues are posted flat and unfolded. Descriptions of some past issues from the series are written below.
Past issues of The Pamphleteer are out of print. The spirit of the series continues in Fiddler’s Green.
Click any of the cover images below for a closer look.

Sunday, 7 June 2011
The Pamphleteer returns with a 16-page issue full of stories, news, letters from readers, and reviews of inspiring publications. Clint Marsh recounts his first book publishing endeavor, a volume of prehistoric fish he wrote and illustrated at age 8, along with reminiscences of spooky playtimes with his brother and their cousins. Clint also brings readers up to date with Wonderella Printed’s activities from the past year. Gnome hunter Reginald Bakeley tries his hand at fishing off the Cornish coast, catching more than he bargained for. A current United States Postal Service Rates chart is included both as a page in this issue and a booklet insert you can keep with your stamps. 16 pages, 10 illustrations.

Sunday, 25 July 2010
Alan Pryor of Pryor Publications pens the lead story this time with his “Full Revelations of a Professional Pamphleteer.” Clint Marsh shakes hands with Peter Beagle in Over the Garden Wall and looks forward to the Esoteric Book Conference. Clint’s reminiscence of his first pamphleteering experiments with an electric typewriter and a photocopier are followed by an all-star letters column and reviews of Abraxas by Fulgur and Treadwell’s and Craig Conley’s A Field Guide to Identifying Unicorns by Sound book and CD set. Insert details a new subscription policy. 8 pages, 10 illustrations.

Sunday, 17 January 2010
Rock journalist Nigel Cross recounts his formative teenage reading of early issues of Pete Frame’s ZigZag, and pays homage to the magazine’s 40th anniversary. Over the Garden Wall tells of the exodus of a bohemian enclave from Berkeley to nearby Kensington. The correspondence bubbles away over last issue’s devilish tale, and “Publications Received” looks at The Cincinnati Journal of Ceremonial Magick and H.P. Lovecraft’s Terrifying Escape. 8 pages, 11 illustrations.

Monday, 20 July 2009
Clint Marsh opens The Pamphleteer with a story about menacing figures in the basement of Wildwood Elementary School and between the covers of a book at the school’s library. The Over the Garden Wall column recounts a visit to Bonita Hollow from a bona fide wizard. A lively letters column and a lengthy review of the past year of The Cunningham Amendment complete this issue. Current United States Postal Service Rates are included as a leaflet insert. 8 pages, 7 illustrations.

Wednesday, 22 April 2009
An inquiry from a reader prompts Clint Marsh to begin a bibliography for The Mentalist’s Handbook, the initial draft of which he prints in this issue of The Pamphleteer. This issue also features a story about the design and history of Jacaré, his 1997 series with Heather Schlegel. The Over the Garden Wall column brings readers up to date on the winter activities at Wonderella Printed and Bonita Hollow. The letters column is followed by reviews for ten publications from other artists. 8 pages, 11 illustrations.

Wednesday, 19 November 2008
The third issue of The Pamphleteer picks up where The March of the Grey Men left off, telling the tale of Clint Marsh’s move, when he was six, to a strange house in the woods, and what he found there. Over the Garden Wall details the happenings at Bonita Hollow and elsewhere since the spring. A long letters column and reviews of the works of John M. Bennett (of Luna Bisonte Prods), Jim Vadeboncoeur (publisher of The Vadeboncoeur Collection of Images), and Rick Salsman (compiler of a long out-of-print Syd Barrett fanzine) round out the issue. 8 pages, 10 illustrations.

Sunday, 16 March 2008
This issue of The Pamphleteer opens with The March of the Grey Men, an article for the next issue of The Camelopard. The Berkeley chapter of the Overland Mallet Club celebrates its 10th anniversary. Over the Garden Wall looks at birds, moles, and red-hot fireplace pokers. The letters column debuts, and 16 terrific independent publications are reviewed. 8 pages, 10 illustrations.

Saturday, 24 November 2007
The premiere issue in the series begins with The Charcoal Burner’s Daughter, a fairy tale in the style of The Brothers Grimm. Also featured: Of Magazines and Magic Beans, about how one never knows what the future will bring, Over the Garden Wall, on happenings at Bonita Hollow, and reviews of the new issue of The Ptolemaic Terrascope and the Dreade of Death bookplates. 8 pages, 10 illustrations.