Featured as fold-out models in Jeff Hokes book The Museum of Lost Wonder, these objects of wonder are now available
as deluxe full-color model kits.
Lost Wonder Models are printed on heavy fiberstock without
annoying folds or staples. Ready to cut and
assemble, each kit comes complete with instructions
and all needed accessories.
** The model kits are sold out through Wonderella, but may still be available through lostwonder.org. **

full-color model kits are mailed flat and are printed
tabloid size, or 11 x 17 inches.
any of the model images below for a closer look.

Universe. The ultimate model. Who hasnt dreamed
of holding the universe in the palm of their hand? Now
you can! When completed, the model spins on its axis.

of the Mind. An adjunct to the What Is Reality?
chapter of The Museum of Lost Wonder, this model illustrates the theory
that we are actors playing parts dictated to us by genes
and memes, among other things.

Now you can be the curator! Just add an artifact to complete
this authentic shrine to wonder. This beautifully designed
model uses tricks of perspective similar to those of Samuel
van Hoogstraten.

Mandala. In the manner of the popular Ouija board,
the Lost Wonder scrying mandala can be consulted to answer
lifes big questions. The simplest model in the series,
the scrying mandala is the most practical.

Hypnotrope. When completed, the central cylinder of
the hypnotrope spins as you breathe into the tube, inducing
visions and light-headedness. This is the most challenging
of the Lost Wonder models, but the most rewarding in the

Peep Show. Set off on a journey through uncharted territory in this layered look at the stages of life and the choices we make.

Carousel of Life. Birth, growth, sex, and death represented as carnival diversion. Round and round you’ll go on the ride of your life!